If you've ever read about simple three-day workout routines and found them be regarded as a wonderful format for bodybuilding and losing weight then continue on reading below. This article's purpose is to highlight the key factors as to why a three day workout routine can be more effective for the average Joe then working out either at home or at a gym each day of the week.
A common misconception when people see bodies of models in their favorite magazines is that they can look like that with the help of a weekly gym routine that consists of exercise every day of the week. Misconceptions like these create problems when someone mistakenly reads what a magazine tells them to do and therefore they assume that what works for someone like a model or actor will work for them. This can be a huge mistake!
To truly find the best training routine that is going to work we need to understand what is going on behind the scenes and find out what the main advantages of the three day exercise routine are.
Assuming for a moment that you exercise at the gym three days a week and lets say on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday what's really important is what happens the days you're not working out. What makes three day workout routines a successful program is what happens on your recovery days, in this case Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
That is the most important part to any exercise routine. What actually happens on the days when you are not in the gym is far more important than the days that you are in the gym. What you need to understand is that muscles do not get any bigger when you are training. They get bigger when they are resting.
The next time you find yourself flipping through your favorite bodybuilding magazine or shape magazine searching for the next weight loss or body building guarantee, consider the recovery time of the workout routines that's being promoted. Three day workout routines force a recovery that is longer per week than the days you exercise making it the key factor to performance.
Consider this following example. Your promised that doing more chest exercises would provide you with the perfect body of your dreams then the easiest thing to do would be to consistently do chest exercises. In reality though in order to squeeze all that you can from your training routine much balance is needed between the exercises you do and the time you devote to recovering from those exercises.
When you are in training and people actually want workout routines that work they will employ a three day exercise routine to do so. The thing you have to remember is to stress your muscles as much as you can without injury. Do not think that doing lesser weight more times is going to work as it will not.
If nothing else is remembered from this article please remember the two keys to three day exercise routines. First is that you would need to make sure that when you exercise you push yourself and your muscles as far and as hard as they possibly can go without injuring yourself. Next and perhaps the most important of the two keys is to remember that with such physical intensity your muscles and body will need just as much time to recover and build. By paying attention to these simple yet effective steps you will feel the rewards that three day workout routines can bring you.
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